2 Ways How African Traditional Religion Contributes To A Harmonious Society

2 ways how African Traditional Religion contributes to a harmonious society

2 ways how African Traditional Religion contributes to a harmonious society.

Before the spread of western influence, most cultures around the world are fairly simple. People get along, and they mostly get guidance from their elders. It is a bit different now, many of us have become more individualistic like the westerners. But like everyone else, people do keep a part of their culture intact, including the Africans. The people in Africa today are divided into many religions, mostly dominated by the 3 famous Abrahamic ones, namely Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. These are mixed with the indigenous religion of the continent which may be referred to as Autochthonous Religion.  

Here are 2 ways in which the Traditional African religion contributes to a harmonious society.  

  • The religion is based on tradition, which means nearly everyone follows it. These traditions are able to adjust to modern times without much change. It involves many gatherings among practitioners thereby solidifying the community.

  • It is a way of life, you can find it in the art, symbols and has joined with the newer religions in terms of practice. As you can see, if everyone practices it, it tends to bind everyone which produces harmony.

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